PARRISH – With the COVID-19 pandemic moving students to virtual classrooms for the remainder of the school year, the activity at the popular DaySpring ropes course has been minimal.
The governing board of DaySpring (Diocesan Council) approved a plan to take advantage of the break in visits to start the transition of the course to a new location on campus. DaySpring staff have been busy carefully clearing the new ropes site, and equipment has been ordered. We expect the new ropes course to be fully functional when guests return.
As stay-at-home guidelines and restrictions are carefully assessed, and organization activities resume with some normalcy, our community will yearn for activities and programming to strengthen their own resilience and deepen connection to others, especially activities that occur out-of-doors.
DaySpring will be ready!

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DaySpring is joining the Sarasota County Community Foundation’s 2020 Giving Partner Challenge:
- To raise awareness of the fact that DaySpring’s ropes course serves thousands of students every year, transforming lives with programs that build personal, social, and environmental responsibility through the power of shared experience in a pristine natural setting.
- To equip DaySpring with safe and renewed programming facilities for the next 20 years as our outdoor education partners deliver their outstanding curriculum for the proven physical and psychological benefits of team-building and nature play.
The Sarasota County Community Foundation’s Giving Challenge is an exciting online 24-hour giving event that connects nearly 700 nonprofit organizations with passionate donors to support diverse causes and create enduring impact in Sarasota, Manatee and surrounding counties.
The Patterson Foundation is working to uplift the nonprofit sector in our region through matching dollars and prizes to strengthen giving during the 2020 Giving Challenge. These opportunities include a 1:1 match for unique donations made during the 24-hour period, up to $100 per donor, per nonprofit organization. There will be no limit on the number of unique individual matches a nonprofit organization can receive.
Please click HERE to see more on our Giving Challenge page, and consider a gift on April 28-29:
Help us share the news of this giving opportunity with your friends and community. With your help, we will return higher and stronger to better equip young people for life’s challenges to come.